Monday, September 29, 2014
BingAds Follows AdWords Leads On Close Variant Exact Matches
A couple weeks ago I wrote a post about how Google AdWords was forcing all advertisers to use close variants on exact matches by removing the opt out option. As is usually the case, BingAds is following AdWords leads. BingAds announced that they are making close variants on exact matches a permanent feature on BingAds — they had been testing the feature earlier in the month.
If you didn’t read my earlier post, here’s a refresher on close variants. Close variants include search queries that are close to, but not exact matches to the keywords. This includes misspellings, plurals and abbreviations. Here are some examples.
Variant Type
Plural vs. Singular
Used car dealer vs. used car dealers
Buying a car vs. buy a car
Hyundai dealership vs. Hyundia dealership
Word blending/Splitting
Buy here payhere car lot vs. buy here pay here car lot
Common Spelling Variation
Movie theater vs. movie theatre
Punctuations and Accents
Certified pre-owned cars vs. certified pre owned cars
Google’s controversial decision to remove any ability to opt out of close variants in AdWords rubbed some advertisers thee wrong way. BingAds took notice and is maintaining the advertisers choice to opt out of close variants on exact match keywords. You can make that change at the campaign level by going to Advanced Settings > Keyword Matching Options.